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Are you ready to show the power of youth vote? The how and why of different forms of civic participation in national and European elections? Then the first GenZ Votes event in Coimbra is for you!



The challenge is to develop youth stories of making a difference via video storytelling! What’s that? 
Video storytelling is a creative method that uses the naturally engaging video format to tell a story that gets to the heart of the audience and ignites an emotional connection and reaction (sparks of change!) towards something.



Research Areas: 

  1. Historical or current events that show how young people’s involvement sparked societal change (ex: Czech Velvet Revolution, May ’68 in France, Fridays for Future…)

  2. Good news of everyday young civic engagement that goes unnoticed.

  3. Little-known yet useful rights EU citizens have, and they need to be aware of.

  4. Even more than Erasmus! Available EU opportunities and how to make youth voices heard at the EU level.

The audiovisual revolution has started... in Coimbra!

The first event of #GenZVotes! Discover the power of young vote and show up for the European Elections!

#36 participants

#15 countries

Main actors: Students coming from 15 European countries, interested in Europe's political future, and ready to encourage young people to vote through. 

Goals: To team up in groups (Youth Squads), and create amazing videos that show the power of young voices!


Participating in Gen-Z Votes has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had to date. It was a unique chance to work with a strong team and engage with diverse people both in their cultural backgrounds and skill sets. The program allowed me to develop personally while creating strong friendships and strengthening new skills.

I had an amazing time in Coimbra, got to know a lot of people from many different countries, and experienced the joy of working with an international team, who were all devoted to bringing out the best of ourselves and this program as well. It was exceptional to see so many students invested in the future of the European Union and the place we, young people have in it.

It's a great experience that takes you out of your comfort zone. And which at the same time allows you to contribute to a project that makes sense.



To ensure students feel supported in their tasks and bonding with each other, the project's first event in Coimbra is dedicated entirely to our Youth Squads! This launch event is designed as a team and skill-building event to help you get to know your team members, share your aspirations to improve civic participation and build your skill set to create video content.

Are you... ?

GenZ launch material (Instagram Post (Square)) (1).jpg

An Activist


A Storyteller


An Actor


An Editor


An Influencer


A leader

Are you willing to...

  1. Be engaged during the entire duration of the project (13 Months), dedicating at least 3 hours weekly to GenZ Votes activities.

  2. Participate in-person in our 4 international events.

  3. Be a dedicated, present and enthusiastic team player in your Youth Squad to achieve its mission and have a regular online presence.

  4. During the entire project duration, network online and in-person with other associations, micro-influencers, fellow students... to increase youth civic engagement and spread the reach of your videos.

  5. Be engaged online in between events to:

    • Collaborate with your peers in the completion and quality of the videos

    • Ensure online civic engagement 

    • Be active in our Slack channel and monthly online Happy Hours.

…then we count on you to make of GenZVote a success and promote youth civic engagement!!!

Selection process - CLOSED

  1. Download our Call for Applications to have all the details beforehand!

  2. Send us your application by completing our application form by 22 February at 23:59 (Brussels Time)**. The selection will be made on a rolling basis, so hurry up not to miss your opportunity in GenZVotes!

  3. Online Interviews will be done on a rolling basis, with the latest ones taking place on 14 and 15 February.


The final results will be announced on 16 February (if you applied early, you’ll have them before!) and you must confirm your participation by sending your transportation tickets. Deadline to send this information for students residing in Coimbra is 6-7 March 2023If you have any questions or need support booking your tickets, please contact us at


Tivoli Coimbra-NH Hotel Group


16 March – Team Building


09:30 - 12:00: Arrival at the hostel 

12:00 - 12:30: Welcome and Registration

12:30 - 13:00: Introduction by EucA

13:00 - 14:00: Lunch

14:00 - 15 00: Icebreakers & teambuilding 

15:00 - 15:15: Presentation of GenZ Votes goals

15:15 - 16:00: A Day in the Life of a European: National videos & presentations of students' culture, traditions, daily life & aspirations (Part 1)

16:00 - 16:30: Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:45: A Day in the Life of a European: National videos & presentations of students' culture, traditions, daily life & aspirations (Part 2)


17 March – Knowledge & Skill Building

08:15 - 09:00: Breakfast in Café Santa Cruz

09:00 - 09:30: Welcome and Registration

09:30 - 10:30: Testimonials on youth activists: Dinis de Oliveira, Duarte Costa, and Sofia Barbeiro

10:30 - 11:00: Squad formation

11:00 - 11:30: Break

11:30 - 13:00: Intro to video making with Rui Caria, backpack journalist.

13:00 - 14:00: Lunch 

14:00 - 15:00: Plenary sessions with the journalist influencer, Iryna Shev

15.30 - 16:00: Break

16:00 - 18:30: Tutorials and training for video skills with the professional Hugo Inacio

20:00: Dinner in the restaurant "O Trovador" with a fado concert included


18 March – Content Creation 


09:30 - 10:00: Welcome and Registration

10:00 - 11:00: Squadwork to research four topics

11:00 - 11:30: Break

11:30 - 13:00: Videomaking: Brainstorming video storyboards and scripts

13:00 - 14:00: Lunch

14:00 - 15:00: Videomaking: Recording

15.00 - 15:30: Break

15:30 - 16:30: Videomaking: Recording and editing

16:30 - 17:00: Break

17:00 - 18:00: Videomaking: Editing the videos


Each group has to produce 1 video of max. 3 min for YouTube + 10 short videos for Instagram and TikTok on the four topics.


19 March – Content Planning

09:30 - 10:00: Welcome and Registration

10:00 - 11:00: Video Festival  

11:00 - 11:30: Next steps planning

11:30 - 12:30: Wrap-up session

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  1. All the events will be held in English in person. No remote participation is possible.

  2. Once your selection is confirmed by EucA, you need to book and pay autonomously for  your means of transport to Coimbra. We will reimburse you up to 200 EUR after your successful participation in the event.

  3. For the three nights of the conference, you will stay in shared rooms in a hostel provided and paid for by the organisers. Extra nights in Coimbra must be booked and paid for by you, independently of the organisers.

  4. The organisers will provide most of the conference meals, the highlight being a dinner all together.

For more information regarding our cancellation & reimbursement policy, check our Call for Applications: 

For other information or if you want to say hi, please contact us at


Watch the Youth Squads Videos on Youtube!

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